14 Hilarious Nerds Who Just Want To Watch The World Learn
Some people just want to stand by laughing maniacally as the world learns around them.
There are people who want to watch the world burn, and there are people who love the world around them and everyone in it. Then there are a select few individuals who are a perfect combination of the two. This is the type of person who just wants to see the world learn—graffiti artists who pass along educational messages, people who wear hats with grammar jokes and teachers who shave their facial hair into mathematical symbols.
And no, this type of person is not synonymous with "nerd." Though it is pretty close. Basically, these are nerds who are just edgy enough to be slightly cool, but not quite badass. They're watch-the-world-learn cool.
1. This graffiti artist, who chose to deface a perfectly fine concrete wall with the quadratic equation

2. This mathematician who saw a brick wall and just thought, "that would be a perfect place for me to tag the derivative of natural log"

3. This sassy vandal who wanted to start a geometry diss war

FYI: our resident math expert says the negative sign shouldn't be there. I would've had no idea. Looks pretty smart to me.
4. This hilarious punny math shirt enthusiast

5. The teacher who wore this equally punny cap to graduation

6. The trucker who (presumably) wears this hat to show how much punctuation matters

He'll be sitting in his rig, laughing maniacally as the world learns.
7. This fact and spell-checking vandal

8. This grammarian, who offers a sarcastic (but somewhat logical) response to the disappearance of human liberty

9. This fed up employee who wants to see both the world—and their boss—learn

IMO, a "C-" is a little generous.
10. This grammatical graffiti artist, who thinks that vandalism should always adhere to the King's English

11. This spelling-conscious vandal, who wants to let all McDonald's customers know the informal spelling of "through" is really not okay

12. This grammar Nazi who took the time to correct an actual Nazi

Okay, so the "grammar nazi) is really more of a history/symbology Nazi. The turn of phrase was just too much to resist. Anyway, that'll teach 'em!
13. This math teacher, who is just really into pi day

14. Finally, this bathroom wall writing corrector has only ever wanted to correct grammar and stand by as the world learns