James Corden Parodies Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' In Hilarious Opening Monologue
If you only watch one "Lemonade" spoof, let it be this one.
If you haven't seen the HBO Special yet (because that cost monies and, duh, you're waiting for the pirated versions to air), James Corden made his own version that will give you the gist. Monday night on the 'Late Late Show' James Corden delighted us with a visual monologue that parodied Beyonce's autobiographical album, because when Bey wears camo pants and flip flops, we all wear camo pants and flip flops.
In a soft, erotic tones, Corden takes us on an emotional journey through the segment, titled "Lemonjames," which details the burden of creating a new introduction every night.

Look complete with braids and fur coat.
While lounging in a dirty bath, he takes us into some heavy-hearted thoughts about his writing process.

"I don't want to do another Trump joke. I've exhausted that topic. I've talked about his hair, his tiny baby hands," the late-night host ponders. "Doing Trump jokes makes me feel dirty." You know what else makes me feel dirty? This bath tub."
Pulling from Beyonce's HBO Special, Corden recreated 'Lemonade' scenes adorned with a blonde wig and flowing yellow dress.

With a look of vengeance, Corden slammed a baseball bat into a slew of television sets.
"Doe's that make you laugh like Jimmy with the good hair?"
Fallon or Kimmel? BE SPECIFIC, James. We've seen what damage vagueness can wreak.
Of course, the parody would not have been complete without lingerie-clad lemonade brewing.

In a bra and undies, Corden shared his very own diabetes-inducing lemonade recipe.
"Two pints of water, 8 juicy ass lemons, one cup of sugar, another cup of sugar, you know what another cup of sugar," he instructed. "Actually this is too much work. Can someone just go out and get me a lemonade?"
Dear God, if you are real, please let a Bey and James Carpool Karaoke be a thing that debuts this week.
We'll be waiting.