27 Gay Characters Ranked For Your TV Boyfriend Fantasy League
There are some pretty good boyfriends on TV right now.
There are currently 68 openly gay male characters on TV shows right now, which is pretty cool when it comes to representation. As a gay man who spends more time watching TV than doing pretty much anything else in life, it's great to see characters I relate to on so many different shows.
Going through the list, it got me thinking, what would all these guys be like as boyfriends? Some would probably be great while others would be absolutely terrible. I decided I had to figure out what makes each of them boyfriend material, and if they'd get a second date with me. I also gave each of them a rating out of 5 👬.
I kept it limited to the 22 characters from TV shows I currently watch, and then some bonus boys as well.
1. Billy Epstein: 'Difficult People'

Boyfriend Material? Billy is loud, obnoxious, brash and always with his bff Julie (seriously, I couldn't find many pictures of him alone...) Is he a terrible person? Yes, of course, that's the point of the show. Am I into terrible people? Probably more than I'd like to admit. That said, I'm not into dudes who are so co-dependent on their fag hags.
Second date? Just so Julie stays home, we can give it a shot.
Rating: 👬 👬
2. Curtis Holt: 'Arrow'

Boyfriend Material? Curtis is awkward, tall, has great hair, insanely smart, amazed by everything around him...he's all around Terrific. Oh, did I mention he's an Olympic athlete as well as a genius who invented something to implant in Felicity's spine so that she could walk again?
Second date? Let's just move on to getting married.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬 👬
3. Cyrus Beene: 'Scandal'

Boyfriend Material? Cyrus is one of the most interesting parts of 'Scandal' because you never really know what he's thinking. That's probably why he would make a terrible boyfriend. There's also the fact that his husband was murdered because of Cyrus' secrets. Oh, and the shotgun wedding to a prostitute in order to cover up even more secrets. Oh right, he's also a Republican.
Second date? Sorry Cyrus, I don't think it's going to work out.
Rating: Negative 👬
4. Connor Walsh: 'How to Get Away with Murder'

Boyfriend Material? Connor is the baddest of bad boys but also has a literal heart of gold. He's aided in murders! But he feels bad about it. He cheated on his boyfriend! But he feels really bad about it. He's incredibly smart and super resourceful, and not at all afraid to tell it how it is. Plus, look at that smirk!
Second date? Literally all the dates, Connor can have me. Also, see below.
Rating: 👨👨👦 👨👨👦 (have my babies)

5. Oliver Hampton: 'How to Get Away with Murder'

Boyfriend Material? Oh Oliver...the most adorable and earnest hacker ever. He just always wants to help, even if that means he might go to jail or be killed by an insane serial killer. He's also stupid hot, so...
Second date? How could you say no to that adorable face?
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬
6. White Josh: 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend'

Boyfriend Material? Ok, White Josh is literally a perfect human being. First, LOOK AT HIM. Second, he's super sweet and all about helping Darryl come out. Third, he's super confident in himself and refuses to hide who he is. Fourth, LOOK AT HIM!!!
Second date? It seems ridiculous it would even be a question.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬 👬 🍆 🍆 🍆 🍆
7. Darryl Whitefeather: 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend'

Boyfriend Material? Ok, so technically Darryl is bisexual, or as he says "bothsexual," but I'm including him. He's very sweet and loves his friends and daughter a ton. (Ok, maybe too much) That said, he's still getting to know himself and is working on figuring out who he is now that he came out.
Second date? Maybe see me in a season or two, Darryl.
Rating: 👬
8. Captain David Singh: 'The Flash'

Boyfriend Material? TBH, there's not a whole lot of info about Captain Singh, other than the fact that he's kind of a dick to Barry Allen from time to time. It's cool that he's a cop and he's gay though?
Second date? Let's just be friends, Captain.
Rating: 👬
9. Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper: 'The Flash'

Boyfriend Material? Ok, so technically Hartley started out as a villain, but thanks to some fancy Flash time travel, he's now on the right side of the law. He's super smart, but he has some abandonment issues, which is why he turned evil in the first places. I'd be a little worried he'd hit me with some sound waves if I ever broke up with him.
Second date? As long as he promises not to use his sound wave powers on me, I'd be up for a fling with him.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬
10. Eliot Waugh: 'The Magicians'

Boyfriend Material? Eliot is a bit of a mess (ok, he's a huge mess). He's probably an alcoholic, he goes through boys like he goes through scarves and he ditched his best friend for a boy who ended up being a horrible beast from another world who ripped open a live bunny. All that being said, he's SUPER loyal to his friends, and he's a Magician, damn it!
Second date? Oh Eliot, you're such a hot mess, and why does that turn me on so much? Yes, we'll probably go out, until something horribly tragic happens, because Brakebills.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬
11. Eliot Wexler: 'Broad City'

Boyfriend Material? On one hand, Eliot is definitely my type. On the other hand, he had a wedding for his dog in Central Park, which is just a bit too much for this cat person.
Second date? Sorry, dog weddings are a dealbreaker.
Rating: 👬 👬
12. Jaime Castro: 'Broad City'

Boyfriend Material? Jaime will always have a hook up for some "stuff" if you need it, though he may be afraid to grab froyo now.
Second date? Definitely.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬
13. Felix Dawkins: 'Orphan Black'

Boyfriend Material? Felix doesn't take shit from anyone, which is what makes him so incredible. He also has an incredible ability to befriend literally anyone (his friendship with Alison remains one of the best and most baffling relationships on TV). We know he has a great butt because he's constantly showing it off when he paints. That being said, he is always surrounded by a whole lot of drama and people trying to kill his family.
Second date? Felix doesn't strike me as someone who has a whole lot of second dates.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬
14. Ian Gallagher: 'Shameless'

Boyfriend Material? No, absolutely NOT boyfriend material. Ian is a mess. He lied about his age to enlist in the army and then left the army and stole a baby. Not ideal for a boyfriend.
Second date? To be honest, I don't even know if Ian is over 18 yet...so...probably not a first date.
Rating: 🔞
15. Mickey Milkovich: 'Shameless'

Boyfriend Material? Mickey is married to, and has a baby with, a Russian prostitute, has a closet full of guns in his house and has probably committed more crimes than you can count on both hands. That said he's actually one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet, he just won't admit to it. When Ian was going through some shit, he stood by him for as long as he could.
Second date? Sure, I've never really dated a bad boy, may as well give it a shot.
Rating: 👬 👬
16. Kenny O'Neal: 'The Real O'Neals'

Boyfriend Material? Kenny is such an adorable little baby gay, just learning what it means to be out and trying to gain the acceptance of his family and the people in his community.
Second date? Kenny is *definitely* not legal yet. But call me when you turn 18.
Rating: 🔞
17. Mateo Fernando Aquino Liwanag: 'Superstore'

Boyfriend Material? High strung and incredibly ambitious, Mateo isn't afraid to throw people under the bus if it gets him ahead at his job. I worry he'd be the same in a relationship if things got tough.
Second date? Probably not, but I'd definitely come buy some stuff from him, help with that commission.
Rating: 👬
18. Titus Andromedon: 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt'

Boyfriend Material? Titus is a great friend to Kimmy, and he's (almost inappropriately) comfortable with himself. In the second season, we learned he's also a surprisingly good boyfriend to Mikey, his recently out construction worker man, though he can still be a little self-centered.
Second date? Yes, but only if he agrees to do a duet of Peeno Noir with me. (Which let's face it, of course he would.)
Rating: 👬 👬
19. Mickey Politano: 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt'

Boyfriend Material? Another brand new gay just learning the ropes. Mikey is totally sweet and comes from a super great Italian family who are all very accepting when he comes out to them. He's also super supportive of his man, Titus, encouraging Titus to take an opportunity of a lifetime, even if it means them being apart for a long time. D'awwww
Second date? He's too sweet to say no to, so of course.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬
20. Owen Cavanaugh: 'The Good Wife'

Boyfriend Material? Owen is pretty much how I see myself in 20 years. Sarcastic, a little bitter and very single. He's always there to provide Alecia a good talking to when things are getting tough for The Good Wife, and usually to tell her that her husband is a slimeball (he is).
Second date? Yes absolutely. Slightly bitter math professor? That's my jam, yo.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬 👬
21-22. Sol Bergstein and Robert Hanson: 'Grace and Frankie'

Boyfriend Material? They're lawyers, they love each other and they still care for their wives. They'd make pretty incredible Sugar Daddies, tbh.
Second date? I'm not above a Sugar Daddy (or two).
Rating: 🤑
So, 'Looking' isn't technically still on air, but they're working on a movie to wrap up the story, plus it would be ridiculous to talk about gay TV characters without talking about 'Looking.'
23. Patrick Murray

Boyfriend Material? Patty looks sweet, because he is sweet, but he's also kind of the worst. He can never make up his mind and ends up breaking up with the nicest guy in the world just because his boss is hot. Oh, he also has total bottom shame, and I'm not here for that.
Second date? Sorry, Patty is more boring than vanilla ice cream. Pass.
Rating: 👬
24. Kevin Matheson

Boyfriend Material? The aforementioned boss with a great butt (which, it is, just look below). Kevin is a dick disguised as a nice guy. It's easy to get lost in his great body, butt and accent, but it's important to remember that he had a serious long term boyfriend who moved across the country for him when he started banging his employee, Patrick.
Second date? Let's fuck once (or twice?) and leave it at that.
Rating: 🍆 🍆 🍆 🍆

See? Nice butt.
25. Richie Donado

Second date? Love me, Richie?
Rating: 👬 👬 👬 👬 👬
26. Dom

Boyfriend Material? Dom is the older guy with a lot of issues that you know you shouldn't fall for, but of course, you do. He is so goddamn handsome and is a smooth talker when he needs to be. All I ever wanted was for Dom to find happiness, and I want to be that happiness for him. I CAN FIX HIM!
Second date? Do you see him? He's gorgeous. Of course there is a second date.
Rating: 👬 👬 👬
27. Augustin

Boyfriend Material? Augustin is the worst person to ever live. No one should ever date him.
Second date? Please stay away from me at all times.
Rating: ? 🚫