The 4 Most “Lemonade” Moments From The Game of Thrones Premiere
Our favorite GoT ladies kicked so much butt in the premiere, Queen B would be proud.
The pussy power was real this past weekend, folks.
Between Beyoncé dropping an album that called out her hubby for being unfaithful and the "Game of Thrones" women laying it down in the season 6 premiere, we are having a lot of YASSS QUEEN moments.
1. Brienne saved the day in the nick of time

Just when it looked like Sansa and Theon were dog chow, Brienne rode up out of nowhere and slayed the soldiers who tracked them down. Brienne and Podrick alone took on a crowd of men and their hounds, and ended in victory. Finally, we feel hopeful for Sansa when she utters the words to Brienne, "I vow that you shall always have a place at my hearth."
2. Daenerys spelled out exactly who she is for Khal Moro

Daenerys initially remained silent while she was bound and led on foot by the Dothraki guards who taunted her, but when threatened with rape and sexual abuse, she reminds Khal Moro exactly who she is. "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the first of her name; the Unburnt, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andrals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." Imagine your barista trying to fit that on a Starbucks cup.
So what if the only title he cared about was Widow of Khal Drogo? Daenerys never questions her roots and her worth.
3. Cersei grieved the loss of her daughter

Let's face it, Cersei is a real bitch, but her one redeeming quality is that she deeply loves her children. When Jaime tells her of the death of her daughter, Myrcella, she's as low as she's ever been (including her two-year walk of naked shame). But, after a pep talk for Jaime, we see a glimmer of the Cersei we know come back to life. The two vow to take everything back, and then some. She may very well be a deplorable human, but if she can make it through this, she is one strong woman.
4. Sansa survived and conquered (with a lot of help from Brienne and Theon)

At the end of Season 5, we see Sansa and Theon bravely jump from atop Ramsay Bolton's castle, into the snow, as it's their only chance at survival. We see now they've miraculously survived the jump, and are running from the Ramsay's men and hounds. Although she appears to be injured, Sansa braves through the snow and wades through the frigid river. Just when you think she's about to die from hypothermia, Theon wakes her and she presses on.
If the premiere was any indication of what we can expect for Season 6, we anticipate many more moments that will do Bey proud.