'Bad Lip Reading' Hilariously Takes On Most Recent Democratic Debate
These genius YouTubers actually found a way to make the Democratic Debate fun.
There's a popular saying that sums up these American (except Cruz) political weirdos (especially Cruz) the best: Sometimes perception is reality. YouTube channel Bad Lip Reading hilariously dubbed these political wackadoos at the latest Democratic Presidential Debate .
But Bad Lip Reading didn't just go after Bern and Hill's jugular. They've been gunning for all of the politicos this election cycle. We've gathered some of our favorite moments, and some of Bad Lip Reading's own favorite moments. Check them out.
Bad Lip Reading slams straight into our funny bones with this Sanders dub.

Then they reveal how Hillary really feels about the coked- up Bern.

But let's not forget our least favorite Canadian, T. Cruz.
And now we can't get the mental image of him eating hair out of our heads.
Even though he's out of the race, Bad Lip Reading made sure our good-time pal, Chris Christie, got in on the fun.
Same with our nap buddy, Ben Carson.
The gang's all here for this shit-throwing contest!
Someone forgot to pack his brain in his lunch box that day.
Watch the full Bad Lip Reading's hilarity here:
Watch the truthful Ted Cruz ad here:
Watch the Bad Lip Reading's 'First Republican Debate' here:
Or check out the 'First Democratic Debate' here:
Moral of the story: Whichever way you lean, your political party representatives seem highly unqualified for the job.