Brothers Convince Drugged-Up Sister Of Zombie Attack After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Brothers really do prepare you for it all.
Older siblings have it MADE. Their parents have gifted them younger humans to blame for busting the garage door, to pass off emptying the dishwasher and, of course, to prank mercilessly.

The Phillips family is no different, and when younger sister Millicent had her wisdom teeth removed, her older brothers did what brothers do best: prey on fear and convince her of a zombie apocalypse.
The prank started off strong with a "national" radio announcement.

And from the start, Millicent was pretty confused.

Like good pranking brothers do, they set her up with a "weapon" to stave off flesh-eaters.

But as they packed to flee to Mexico, even drugged-up Millicent had pretty spot-on defense logic.

The stress of choosing between the dog and cat (she foolishly chose cat) and funfetti or chocolate cake (again, foolishly chose funfetti) broke her psyche.

And when they confessed to the prank and told her she could go home and sleep? "Oh," was all she had to say.

Brothers can be the worst, but they also know how to use video cameras, so for that we can thank them.
Brothers can be the worst, but they also know how to use video cameras, so for that we can thank them.