Bruce Springsteen Just Brought The Boss Down On North Carolina's Anti-LGBT Laws
We knew The Boss was impressive, but daaaaaamn.
In a statement released on April 8, Bruce Springsteen, heretofore known as The Boss, stated he and the band are cancelling their show on Sunday, April 10. The Boss told fans they cannot stand idly by while the transgender and LGBT community gets slammed by the North Carolinian government.
North Carolina recently passed the HB2 law, which openly discriminates against the transgender community by dictating which bathroom they're allowed to us, and against the LGBT community for limiting their ability to sue for human right violations in the workplace.
The Boss gently laid into Greensboro, North Carolina for their part in the matter and firmly put his foot down to stand alongside the freedom fighters in the state and nationally.
Look at The Boss' BAMF statement below.

Consider this mic dropped.