These Pot-Smoking, Vegan, Sanders Supporting Nuns Are Basically Millennials
This is a sisterhood you'll actually want to join.
Two self-ordained, feminist nuns in California are living the millennial dream.

This could've been you.
Like a couple of 20-somethings, Sisters Kate and Darcy consider themselves to be spiritual but not religious.

They wear white robes and habits, but aren't abstinent or under the authority of a priest.
Both Darcy and Kate dreamt of joining a convent, but didn't want to be a part of such an oppressive environment.

"I always wanted to be a sister. But I couldn't be in a sisterhood that wasn't empowered. I try to emulate the Catholic nuns standards of excellence. They stood for something," Sister Kate told HuffPo.
They don't follow the rules of any established church, but they do follow a strict vegan diet.

Did we mention they're die-hard Bernie Sanders supporters?
Their central California grow-op wasn't created just for smoking — although they do get high off their own supply.

The Sisters of the Valley actually use the weed to create tinctures, tonics and salves that contain little to no THC (what gets you high) and are high in CBD, which helps with pain relief.
They're rigorous bottling schedule only allows them to put together products according to the phases of the moon.

They also say prayers for healing and set intentions for every item purchased. I wonder what they'd think of my growing crystal collection.
Similar to how your parents felt when they found your pot stash, the local government doesn't support Sisters of the Valley and their efforts are in danger of being shut down.

Support the Sisters by shopping their products here.