Politician Blames Teenage Son For How He Spent $1302 Of Campaign Funds
He could've at least waited for a Steam sale.
This is California Representative Duncan Hunter.

If the vape pen in his hand, sly exhale and smarmy half-smile didn't give it away, Hunter isn't like other congressmen. He plays by his own rules.

In February, this Renaissance man ignited the interwebz when he had the cajones to prove that, even in the middle of a congressional hearing, vaping makes you look stupid.

Now, Hunter and his devil-may-care, bad-boy charm are back in the spotlight, but this time, it's not for blowing smoke.
$1302 dollars of his campaign funds were mysteriously chalked up as a "personal expense" and never repaid. Now, the FEC is asking Hunter to, in the words of Jerry Maguire....

Where did the money go? Hookers? Blow? A mistress? Scores of bastard children?

Not quite.
That might be what you'd expect from any other congressman, but remember, Duncan Hunter is a rep who marches to the beat of his own drum.

And he spent the money on the hardest vice of all.......


That's right. The FEC found "68 separate occasions" of Duncan's credit card being used to purchase "Steam Games."

After taking a week to figure out what the hell Steam is, the FEC was pretty peeved.
But Hunter, no stranger to tense situations, kept it 'Cool Hand Luke' and casually passed the blame off to his 13-year-old son.

Suuuuuurrrreee Congressman. Try to hide it all you want, but we know you've been playing "Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold 'Em" on the taxpayer's dime!

After buying 68 games in only two months, it's pretty clear Hunter has a problem even his renegade self can't handle. We're just hoping he gets the help he needs. Godspeed Duncan. Godspeed.