This New Netflix Release Will Make You So Excited To Not Have a Social Life
All I do is binge, binge, binge no matter what, the only break I get is when I order pizzaaaa.
In a total 90s-kid-appeal power move, Netflix has started feeding our insatiable appetite for favorite Saturday-morning cartoons, bringing back classics like "The Magic School Bus" and "Pokemon: Indigo League."

I already spend my morning, noon and night binge watching "Gossip Girl" (#liveyourbestlife) but now I won't even sleep because Netflix is releasing the ENTIRETY of "The Animaniacs."

Wacko, Yacko, and Dot graced our screens from 1993 to 1998, with 99 episodes, all of which are available on Netflix right now.

The show served as inspiration for several successful spinoffs, including "Pinky and the Brain."

"Animaniacs" was definitely the MOST 90s show ever. It deftly parodied its small-screen peers, like this scene's clever sendup of sitcoms set in coffee shops.

The show featured tons of celebrity cameos, like Prince, Cher, Meryl Streep, and even the show's creator, Stephen Spielberg.

The theme song at the start of every episode featured Bill Clinton playing the saxophone.

Why are you still reading this? Your Netflix binge starts NOW!