Women Troll Indiana Governor With Hilarious Calls About Their Periods
In the name of reproductive justice!
Hi, Governor, it's Gail again. Just wanted to call and let you know that I'm on day 5 and my flow is stronger than ever. Okay, bye!
In protest of the restrictive abortion bill signed by Indiana Governor Mike Pence last week, women have been trolling the governor's office with detailed calls about their periods— because he seems to care a lot about what happens inside a woman's uterus. Started by the Facebook group Periods for Pence, the protest campaign has elicited some priceless interactions between women and their government. Civic engagement at its best.

Now this is political participation.

Sue Magina is an inspiration to us all.

"I'm sorry, Governor, Ms. Magina just keeps calling. You should really call her back."

I will be calling with a full review of my new absorbent period undies.