Man Reported To Police For 'Revenge Fart' After Being Denied Sex
Revenge stinks. Literally.
In what must be one of the strangest police reports of all time, a man from Laholm, Sweden recently got in some hot water for farting in a woman's apartment.

The man and woman—who are not in a relationship—have both remained anonymous. Apparently, the fart was an act of revenge—that's right, a revenge fart. The man had visited the woman's apartment in hopes of having sex with her. She declined, and he was not happy.
So naturally, he farted and fled the residence.
The man's fart so "disturbed the woman's piece [sic] of mind" that she reported him to police.

"It smelled very bad in my flat," the woman wrote in the police report she filed. I don't doubt it, but is that really an issue worth reporting to police? Nothing further happened with the incident, except for its becoming a weird international news piece. And it is very, very weird.
Should "revenge farting" be considered unlawful? Or is it just one of the most evil (and most juvenile), legal forms of vengeance?

This is not the first time police have been involved in a fart-related incident. In 2008, a 34-year-old Clarksburg, West Virginia man was charged with battery after he farted and fanned it toward a police officer. The man wasn't detained on that charge alone, though—he was being held for a breathalyzer test on suspicion of drunk driving, which makes a whole lot of sense.
Farting can have legal consequences, in much the same way as blowing cigarette smoke in the face of another does. If you blow the smoke toward that person with the intent to harm or disturb, you could be slapped with an assault and/or battery charge.
Some people just really need to grow up.

If you're in your 30s and still farting on people for revenge, you should probably reevaluate your life.
I never thought I'd write this sentence, but: going around revenge farting is neither a good nor healthy way to live your life.