Ben Affleck Wrote His Own 'Batman' Script, Is Probs Better Than The One He Just Starred In
Ben Affleck had a "Batman" script this whole time, and we're just now hearing about it.
After the unending hype for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," the blockbuster finally hit theaters.

Most of the hype centered around the fact that Ben Affleck would be playing Batman, which was first revealed in August of 2013. Since then, everyone wondered: how will Hollywood's darling boy fare as The Caped Crusader?
Welp, the film has received negative backlash so far, and Ben Affleck seems pretty bummed about it.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film only received a 29 percent rating. That's not good. Even Kevin Smith, filmmaker, comic book lover and long time friend of Affleck didn't like the movie.
So is the critical (and possibly commercial) failure of "Batman v Superman" actually Affleck's fault?

After all, a lot of people thought Affleck brought a unique vision to Bruce Wayne/Batman, and that it was director Zack Synder's fault for fundamentally missing the mark.
And though Kevin Smith didn't like the movie, he did say his pal Ben was responsible for "the best cinematic presentation of Batman fighting you've ever seen in a movie."
Apparently this whole time, Affleck's been sitting on a self-written Batman movie...which we're guessing is a lot better than "Batman v Superman."

Recently, talent agency CEOs Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell told The Hollywood Reporter "there's a script that [Affleck has] written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that's out there as an option."
So there's an Affleck-penned Batman script floating around in Hollywood? NO. WAY.

Nearly everything Affleck writes or directs instantly turns to gold. DC should totally just let Affleck get crazy with the character.

He won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for writing "Good Will Hunting" and Best Picture Oscar for "Argo," which he directed, produced and starred in. Obviously, the guy knows how to make some movie magic. So just let him do his thing with the Batman character, and maybe we'll have another award-sweeping Affleck vehicle.
But, then again, maybe the guy just doesn't know how to play a superhero?

We all remember "Daredevil," Ben.