Epic Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong, For Anyone Who Wants To Watch The World Burn
If you're thinking of pulling a prank on a pal this April 1, consider reconsidering.
Homeboy had no idea what he and his water gun were getting into.
Exactly how were you expecting this to play out, hombre? It seems there was little room for a positive outcome with this one. A true prank fail through and through.
Everyone has that one coworker that's gotta be the "funny guy."
Was it worth it, Jake?
Aw look, they made up.
IDK Jake, he still looks pretty pissed to us.
These Swedish loons got more than they bargained for.
I don't speak Swedish, but I suspect he's saying something to the effect of, "Fu*kin' hilarious, assholes. Now go get my mom's car before she kicks all our asses."
Thank the gods "Kevsler" asked the question on all of our minds.

Thanks, Kev!
Approximately two million of these loops belong to Dose.
We could watch this girl stop, drop and roll all day.
Dad was not amused with the April Fool's antics.
You OK, girl?
Talk dark and handsome had to defend his gal's honor.
It's all fun and games until your whole family sees your vagina.
This little turd tries to prank his father, but poor execution allows for the prankster to be come the pranked.
The moral to this story is that camera placement is important. *shocker*
Joe is grounded.
Not for executing a successful prank on his ma, but for "video camera-ing" her taking a wizz.
There's no way this dodo couple is still together.
This is not healthy relationship behavior.
Let's see how hard this Uber driver is laughing when he gets a lookat his ratings.
OK, you get the one star for preparedness with post-prank treats.
Some real rascals from Idaho thought it would be a HOOT to attach plastic wrap to highway overpass columns, and then tightly stretch it across the road.

"You know what would be HILARIOUS!? Manslaughter!!"
Catch full story here.
When your instincts reveal that your priorities may be a little off track...
because child abuse.
This prank was a two-fold backfire.
Because he now has some wifing to do.
You're a true Office Ass when you've got glass in all of your crevices.
Surprise! Copy machines come with a weight limit! Good luck explaining that one to the boss, Jerry.