This Awesome Web App Shows The Typical Mood Of People Who Share Your Name
Is your name associated with positivity or negativity?
"Positivity By Name" is an awesome (and possibly infuriating) database.
"Positivity By Name" ranks people's self-professed positivity and groups the rankings according to name, in hopes of of finding personality traits associated with every popular name in the world. It's pretty basic, but pretty cool.
The app collects information from people who rated their own predilection for positivity on a scale from one to five stars. Mustafas, for instance, average a 4.39 star rating for positivity, and the name is thus associated with an "ecstatic" personality. Baxters, on the other hand, gave themselves a 3.70 average star rating, so their shared name is associated with an "unhinged" personality. How do you stack up on the positivity scale?
Kimberlys are, perhaps expectedly, quite contented.

I mean, Kim K at least seems pretty content with herself.
Donalds, however, feel pretty "meh" about everything overall.

Maybe Trump just feels "meh" after all.
Hillarys tend to be a little more unhinged.

Idk, but this seems a little sexist.
Bernies are also a bit unhinged apparently.

Hm, I wonder if this app was made by a Republican. The Democratic candidates aren't looking so stable.
Jennifers, strangely enough, feel dismayed.

I hope J Lo isn't too dismayed. Your life is awesome, girl.
Justins feel pretty vexed in general.

When it comes to Justin Bieber, though, "vexed" more describes my feelings toward him.
Wills feel pretty vexed, too.

I have to assume this doesn't apply to Will Smith, because that dude is positive AF.
At the other end of the scale, Joaquins are just delighted to be alive.

Was not expecting that.
Anwar is the name ranked 21st overall for most positive.

I don't know any Anwars, but if I recall high school history correctly, Anwar Sadat didn't seem like a terribly positive guy. But that's just one Anwar.
Where does your name rank on the positivity scale?