The Ultimate "F*ck You" To Mornings: A Hydraulic Press Crushes An Alarm Clock
If you find crunching sounds pleasing, you're in for some serious soundgasms.
Get ready to waste a lot of time on your newest obsession: YouTube's Hydraulic Press Channel.
The Hydraulic Press Channel is a YouTube channel that's gloriously simple: A man crushes everyday items with his hydraulic press. Maybe it's his Finnish accent, or just the inexplicable destruction—but every single video is outrageously entertaining.
In case you don't know what a hydraulic press is, it's basically a cylinder that uses Pascal's law to crush stuff (or, you know, to forge and mold metal). There's a lot more complex science behind it that I don't understand, but one thing's for sure: It looks great when it crushes things.
Watching a hydraulic press crush an alarm clock is a great way to say, "Fuck you, Monday."
We all know the experience—you're caught up in an especially sweet dream, then suddenly ding ding ding! and it's time to go back to your dumb job once again. I feel like this guy is really teaching clocks a lesson, and I love that.
Poor alarm clocks—always gettin' a bad rap.

Yeah, it's illegal to deface currency in the US, but fuck it. This guy's from Finland—just listen to that accent. Now let's smash some coins!
The final result is practically a modern art masterpiece.

"It's so beautiful!"
Is it a myth that it's impossible to fold paper more than seven times? Let's find out!
Whoa, what just happened? Apparently, the fibers in the paper just gave up and exploded at the seams. Sweet.
Aw, don't weep, little paper. Nobody's going to fold you to death!

Okay, this is admittedly pretty weird and borderline serial killer-like. But I just can't stop watching.
The horror!
Damn, Ken, you sadistic AF.

If you didn't know (because why would you), hockey pucks explode when crushed by a hydraulic press.
The maniacal laugh just makes this video so, so great. The guy operating the press is truly insane, and I love it.
Don't be sad, hockey man.

We'll get you a new puck!