Sarah Palin Will Preside Over A Reality TV Courtroom, Because Of Course
Judge Sarah Palin? You betcha!
Sarah Palin ain't pussyfootin' around politics anymore. Instead, the former Alaska governor is in talks with a Montana-based production company, Warm Springs, to do a reality courtroom show for which she will preside as judge.

According to PEOPLE, Palin has been in discussions with the team behind "Judge Judy" and "Judge Joe Brown." The currently-untitled show is slotted to air in 2017.
While TV Judges Judy and Joe Brown both actually hold JD degrees, Palin does not.

Which means she's about as qualified to preside over legal cases as Tina Fey (who *may* be pictured below, but I had a legitimately difficult time telling the difference).

But Warm Springs probably already considered this, and has lined up Tina to stand in for Sarah when she's too busy putting lipstick on a pig, or whatever it is she does all day.
The production company believes that despite Sarah's gross lack of qualifications, her "telegenic personality, wide appeal and common sense wisdom make her a natural for this kind of format and she was Warm Springs' top pick for this project."

Yes: common sense, the essential basis for all legally-binding decisions.

If her verdicts are anything like her Trump endorsement, I'm looking forward to her issuing declarations like, "Well, these fine farm families need habeas corpus justice, ipso facto, you betcha!"

Personally, I'm just hoping that drinking exclusively out of a Big Gulp cup is written into the contract.