Wearing This Sports Bra While Out on a Run Could Save Your Life One Day
A terrifying experience inspired this mother of two to create a new way to defend herself. Now you can get one, too.
For many women, running alone isn't the most relaxing form of exercise.

Whether you're an early-morning or late-night jogger, you've probably had an uneasy feeling come over you at least once.
Unfortunately, for Jennifer Cutrona, this worrisome feeling was followed by an actual threat. A man lunged out to grab her while she was running in the woods, and she had no form of protection with her.

She managed to get away from him and get home safely, but the experience both scarred and inspired her. She didn't let this stop her from running. Instead, she sewed a sheath into her sports bra so that she could carry a knife with her to protect herself.
Cutrona later launched Booby Trap Bras, an athletic wear line that aids women in self-defense.

The line includes sports bras, yoga pants, and shorts.
There are two versions of Cutrona's sports bra—one designed to carry a knife, and one to carry pepper spray.

You can also buy pepper spray and a knife directly from Booby Trap Bras.
The Just In Case Knife bra is currently available for purchase.

This great invention could help women everywhere feel safer every day.
Check out this video to hear more about Cutrona's experience, and how she started her company.