Dear Apple: Please Don't Eliminate The Headphone Jack From iPhone 7
Wireless headphones are the bane of my existence.
For a recent installment of Unbox Therapy, Lou managed to get his hands on a clear plastic case for the upcoming iPhone 7.
To be clear, he didn't manage to get an iPhone 7—just a case for the highly-anticipated phone, which is set to launch this fall. Even though we've still got a while to wait before the new iPhone comes out, it's already stirring up some controversy—both in the tech world at large, and for me personally.
The plastic case reveals a lot about the design for the upcoming iPhone 7—obviously not everything, but enough to piss off a lot of people.

One of the things Lou pointed out is that the case isn't big enough to allow room for a headphone jack. Wait, what???
That's right—it's entirely possible that the iPhone 7 will force users to use either Bluetooth-connected headphones, or wired headphones that connect via Lightning port.

Never mind the fact that attaching a lightning port sounds bulky and inconvenient AF; I literally HATE wireless headphones. They're yet another thing that you have to plug into your computer (or a goddamn wall) to recharge. Wired headphones are just so simple to use and so convenient. All I have to do is plug them in and I'm good to go. My pea-sized brain can handle that.
MFW my wireless headphones die on the train, and I have to listen to strangers' inane conversations.

Sure, call me a Luddite all you want. And sure, maybe I "don't really understand the concept" of a Lightning port. Just let me keep what I'm familiar with: a good old-fashioned headphone jack, into which I can plug whatever headphones I damn well please. I don't want to have to spend even more money on some fancy new contraption (in addition to however many hundreds I'm going to drop on the phone itself). Wait—is this what old people feel like all the time?
PLEASE, Apple. I'm literally begging you. Just keep the headphone jack and let me regress, as the rest of society moves technologically forward without me.

I just want to become obsolete. Is that so wrong? I know I could just charge my wireless headphones on the regular, or learn how a Lightning port works—like any other normal, self-sufficient human being. But they're new concepts, and that means I must automatically respond with fear and hate. #newthingsscareme
I mean, the iPhone 7 will probably have lots of other super cool features.

According to MacRumors, tech experts are expecting a dual-lens camera on the iPhone 7. In the picture above, you can see how the 7's case fits on an iPhone 6—revealing that the camera on the new phone will, at the very least, be much larger. MacRumors also predicts the comeback of a second speaker, improving upon the 6's single speaker.
These are some pretty flashy additions, but I'm still not so sure...

What do you think? Is it a good idea for Apple to go all-wireless, or connect via Lightning port, for headphone use? What other features would you like to see on the iPhone 7?