You Might Not Believe That These 7 Videos Are Actually Fake
Can Bruce Lee really play ping pong with nunchucks?
1. Could Bruce Lee really play ping pong with nunchucks?

Unfortunately not. According to Snopes, this video was designed as a viral ad for Nokia and was created in 2008. The footage is of a Bruce Lee lookalike, and a ping pong ball was digitally placed with the pantomimed movements. Still pretty awesome though.
While his ping pong skills may not be as insane as some people thought, Bruce Lee is still a boss.

Yep, that's really what his body looks like. He also did actually have an effective technique for the one-inch punch.
Check out the full video here, which features a whole lot of Bruce Lee's real badassery.
2. Did this girl really die?
No, the whole video was staged as part of a filmmaking project. It's very realistic and well done, however - we actually get to know the characters, so we have some investment in their wellbeing. It's basically just a well-done (very fake) tragic short.
3. Did these guys really make a "mini nuke"?
Of course not. The CGI on this is very expertly done though. Supposedly, the guys who made the video superimposed a real video of a nuclear explosion occurring.
4. Did this kid really almost get taken by an eagle?
Nope, it was another hoax. It was perpetrated by design students at a university in Montreal.
5. Did this guy save someone using teleportation?
Common sense tells us this is impossible, and it obviously is. Like many other hoaxes, this was perpetrated for PR and advertising purposes - specifically to help promote Chinese video game "Dragon Totem Girl."
6. Did this guy actually take a selfie with a tornado?
Again, this is fake. The perpetrator of the hoax, Terry Tufferson, is a bit infamous for the prior hoaxes he's perpetrated. He once tried to convince everyone on the Internet that he fought off a great white shark.
7. Did this girl really catch fire when her roommate opened the door mid-twerk?
Unfortunately no, although this one is especially believable. It was created by a pair of writers for "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" who were in a contest with their fellow writers to see who could create the most viral video.