21 Thoughts Every Awkward Girl Has Before Going On A Tinder Date
Wait, I'm totally being catfished.
OK, I really have nothing to lose by agreeing to meet a stranger I've talked to mostly about micro pigs.

I mean, if Suzy and Jill found their boyfriends on Tinder, what's to stop me - just a fun, normal gal! - from meeting mine on there?!

LOL oh yeah, 'cause *normal gals* probably don't cry every time they see a kitten, or have intense fears about falling flat on their face every 60 seconds.

He could turn out to be a total creep, or even a murderer/psychopath.

Better stalk his Facebook again, to triple check that he's normal...

...aaaaand, wait, what was I looking for? God, the babes on my newsfeed are SO distracting. Ahhh, there he is! Now THAT'S why I swiped right.

Shit, what if he looks nothing like he does in his photos and I'M BEING CATFISHED. Omg, I'm being catfished...

What if he falls in love with me? I better grab my passport so I can move out of the country ASAP.

He could become my stalker, because romance movies have ruined modern dating.

Hold up... what if I become obsessed with him and do something weird to ruin it?

I could say something to offend him, order the wrong food which reminds him of a dark time in his childhood, what if he doesn't like me?

I guess I should find something to wear...

But I don't want to put too much effort into how I look, 'cause I don't want him to think he's getting sex on the first date.

But, I should *probably* be prepared with some sexy lingerie just in case.

OK, it's been too long, we'll probably have some awkward sex and then never speak again. What else is Tinder good for?

Fuck, I need to shave.

*Gives up halfway thru*
What's the point?
I mean, I probably won't like him, but at least next time Aunt Sally bugs me about meeting people I can say that I tried

Why did I say yes to meeting this attractive stranger again?

He's late so he's probably not real.

That's totally him who just walked to the wrong table. Trying not to judge his pants, trying not judge his pants... but seriously he couldn't have ironed them?

At least alcohol will always love me.