Networks Hated Lane Bryant's Newest Body Positive Ad. Here's Why We Love It
Networks couldn't handle this ad, but that's not stopping it from making waves online.
Plus-size fashion retailer Lane Bryant's latest ad has been banned by some major networks.

The ad, called "This Body," features models Ashley Graham (who you may remember from this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue), Precious Lee, Tara Lynn, Denise Bidot and Georgia Pratt making statements about what their bodies are made for.
NBC and ABC both refuse to air the ad because they claim it doesn't “comply with broadcast indecency guidelines."

All of the women in the ad are plus size and can be seen breastfeeding, wearing lingerie, athletic wear, denim and swimwear.
This isn't the first time one of Lane Bryant's ads caused controversy with major networks.

A 2010 ad also starring Ashley Graham was rejected by CBS for the same reasons.
“Victoria's Secret commercials are airing all throughout the day, but when it comes to a Lane Bryant commercial, we have a little bit of extra, you know, overflowing, and then everybody freaks out," she said about the 2010 commercial.
After being banned from TV networks, Lane Bryant took to social media to encourage people to watch, share and engage with the campaign.

The brand continues to be a strong force in the body positive movement by celebrating style at any size.
Check out the full commercial here.