This Mom Used a Victoria Secret Ad to Highlight a Major Double Standard
There's nothing shameful about breastfeeding.
This is Maria Corry. She's a mother of two from Fayetteville, North Carolina.

She recently posted this photo of her breastfeeding her youngest child on her Facebook page.
She shared the photo in hopes that it would help to normalize breastfeeding, which women are oftentimes shamed for doing in public.
The image was reported to Facebook five times, but wasn't taken down since it doesn't actually violate the sites nudity standards. She posted this in response.
"I bet this won't be reported, because you can see this picture in every mall you step into, huge and blown up outside the store. This is not frowned upon, or ever reported, as it is seen everywhere. But a women nurturing and feeding their baby is looked down on," she wrote.
Corry hopes to continue to share breastfeeding photos to highlight the way that society celebrates women's bodies in a sexual context, but they are shamed for doing something completely natural.
Her husband also shared her photos and had this to say, "There are so many women out there that are discouraged and end up giving up breastfeeding early on. She is trying to stand up for all the breastfeeding moms out there and show support to those who need it most."