12 Things You Probably Have In Your Apartment That Have Got To Go
"Hoarders" is one of my favorite TV shows. But not because I relate to the mounds of stuff, I anti-relate (is that a thing?). My favorite part is when all of the useless shit taking over the house gets tossed. Those before and after shots are semi-orgasmic, if I'm honest.
And all this is to say, even with my delight in getting rid of the unnecessary, when I went about Spring Cleaning my apartment, I still found some ridiculous things that I needed to toss, and unless you're more obsessed with "Hoarders" than me, you'll probably need to get rid of, too.
1. Expired Food

Okay, so this one seems straightforward (and I could only find these two items in my fridge expired by a little over two months). But you'd be surprised the things that expire, especially in the condiments section.
You're too old for the smell test now, if it's expired, you probably shouldn't take the risk. And if you have any leftovers in there more than a few days old, go right ahead and toss those too.
2. On that note, expired medication/vitamins

YES, this is a thing! My iron supplements expired MORE THAN A YEAR AGO. Sure, they're cheaper if you buy them in bulk or at an awesome 3-for-1 sale, but if you aren't going to use them that quickly, they'll just be wasted anyway.
Note: Most medication is still safe to take past its expiration date, it just won't be 100% effective (consult real research and not just a girl on the internet before you take anything though)
3. Half-empty beauty samples // ones you'll literally never use

I had a Birchbox subscription for 3 years and I still have samples I haven't used, touched or even considered since they arrived because:
a) I really don't know what they're for and I already tossed the descriptive card (remember, I love to get rid of *some* stuff)
b) They don't work for me or look terrible (looking at you bright orange lip gloss sample)
Toss 'em.
4. Writing utensils that are out of ink

I know it's your favorite pen, but the cap is chewed beyond belief (TBH I don't even do that, so that pen really needs to go) oh, and IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK ANYMORE. There's no reason to hold onto it when you just get frustrated every time you try to use it and fail. Plus, the next time you go to the bank you can just pick up a new handful anyway. Toss.
5. Cheesy books you got from distant family friends at graduation

Honestly, this can apply to graduation from High School or College, and even though the "Do You Know Who You Are" activity book seems like something you might use one night when you're feeling inspired to look for your true passions in life, you'll probably just watch Netflix instead. Toss.
6. A rain poncho

While you may not have a rain poncho per se, this stands for all the completely random shit you have in that junk drawer. If you can't think of one reasonable situation in which you would need each item, toss it.
I would like to take a minute here to make a shout out to my University of Michigan rain poncho that I didn't need on my graduation day (thank heavens because rain in the Big House is miserable) because GO BLUE. Maybe I'll just hang this on my wall instead.
7. Out of date coupons // ones you'll literally never use

There were no less than 3 expired Bed Bath & Beyond coupons in my pile and even if they do accept them after the expiration date, if I haven't used even one coupon in the last 4 months I doubt I'll need 3 in the near future, especially because they come in the mail like every other week. Toss.
8. All those old birthday/graduation/Galentine's Day/Thank You cards

Yes, I know the notes are super sweet and cards today have pretty cool designs, but after you read them once, say "thank you" and tuck them in a drawer, when are you ever going to look at them again? Toss.
9. Cords and chargers for all of your outdated electronics

A number of these belong to electronics I no longer use or even own (looking at you, digital camera charger). Toss 'em.
10. The random tupperware assortment you can never use because it doesn't have a corresponding top

Somehow the spare tops I have don't coordinate at all with the topless containers I do have so in the end they're all useless and just need to go.
11. All those containers you've been saving to "craft" something

It seems like a great idea, and if you have the space to store them nicely and actually have a plan to create something, good for you. If you have 8 pill bottles like me and have no idea what to do with an empty pill bottle, let alone 8 of them, maybe just recycle them and move on.
12. Old clothing (in my case not one or two, but three pairs of corduroy pants)

When was the last time I wore corduroy pants? I honestly have no idea. Why did I think I needed a pair in every color? I HAVE NO IDEA. Toss.