Chris Hemsworth Nails The Eye Candy Role In The New 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
Who ya gonna call?
Chris Hemsworth, because he's the new Ghostbusters receptionist!!
The newest 'Ghostbusters' trailer is here.
And we're already pumped for this killer lady crew of Ghostbusters to carry on the badass legacy.

But in this new international trailer, we discovered a bonus reason to be excited about the movie and that's the eye candy Chris Hemsworth (aka Kevin the receptionist).

Really, we're loving the full grasp on gender role reversals here. So now, let's just take a moment or two to analyze how damn sexy receptionist Kevin looks in his 8 seconds of the 2-minute trailer.
First, he knocks timidly at the door of the fierce Ghostbusters headquarters with his jeans patched and tie all askew.

He asks about the receptionist job (which he gets because of those perfect nerdy guy glasses).

He's later seen encouraging the genius ladies to fight the ghosts taking over NYC.

He has a quick cameo on a motorcycle, now fully assimilated into the team with a classic Ghostbusters uniform.

Which he casually half removes to show off THOSE ARMS. *swoon*

He licks his lips adorably here in a meeting with his bosses.

Then he flashes this adorkable smile and we all melt a little bit.

Aaaaand then he talks about boobs.

So just your basic guy, of course.
No matter what Chris's role entails, we're really just excited to see this show-stopping cast of strong ladies answer the call.

'Ghostbusters' is set to be released July 15, 2016