Carpool Karaoke Could Become Its Own TV Show & We're Freaking Out
The mega-popular Carpool Karaoke segment on "The Late Late Show" with James Corden is reportedly being shopped around to become a TV show! Hellllll yeah.
Carpool Karaoke is hands down the best part of "The Late Late Show with James Corden." What's not to love about the funny host driving around with celebs and belting out their songs?

From One Direction to Justin Bieber to Elton John, James has pretty much had everyone on his show.
Well guys, Billboard reports that James Corden and producer Ben Winston are trying to turn the segment into its very own TV show.


Anyway, the show will reportedly have the same structure as it does now - a host drives around with a celeb while they sing songs and tell jokes.

Sadly, James Corden will not be hosting the series, but don't get too upset because it is likely he will make appearances on the show.

While I'm sad James won't be hosting the show - probably because, you know, he has his own TV show to host - I'm very happy that he's still attached to the project and that he will be making appearances. I mean, I still think he has hidden vocal talent and I'm rooting for him to become a huge pop star!
It's not exactly surprising that he's trying to turn "Carpool Karaoke" into its own show - the segment alone has logged 412 million YouTube views, with Adele's installment being late night TV's biggest viral success ever.
It seems like more and more spinoff shows are becoming a thing - Spike TV is set to air "Caraoke Showdown," which is essentially a mashup of "Lip Sync Battle" and Carpool Karaoke, hosted by Craig Robinson.
Until then, let's rewatch ALL Carpool Karaokes for the hundredth time.