Taylor Swift's Alleged Old MySpace Is Basically Internet Gold
Seems like only yesterdayTaylor Swift was just a normal teen on MySpace, just like the rest of us.
There are times when Taylor Swift seems freakishly superhuman - she's a super successful singer, has a boyfriend who's hot AF, loves her squad as much as she loves her cats and rules Instagram.
So you may wonder - what was Taylor like before she became Taylor Swift? Well, she was one of us. Just a normal girl who spent all of her time doing what teens did in the mid-2000s: MySpace. This was allegedly the singer's first MySpace pic.

That shirt is everything.
Just like you and me, she took selfies at this weird angle with her friends because it was ~cool~.

And yes, of course she also had the typical emo kid picture because it was MySpace and that's just what everyone did.

She's killin' it.
While the pictures are great and all, the comments Tay left were by far the best part. They were supposedly screen-grabbed a few years ago, so we can't be 100% certain they are legit, but either way, they're fucking hilarious and we really, really hope these were all Taylor.
Here's a note that she left, which appears to be an inside joke, because what does "fuck sewing machines" even mean??

We all made random comments that made no sense, which she seemed to do, too - about her friend's boobs and the word "durr."

We can totally relate to this one about Taylor's friend's putting up bad pictures of her - we all have that one friend who does that and it's just rude!

Tay reallyyyy wanted her prom pictures up.

Don't even know what this one means, but being in somebody's top 8 was a BIG FUCKING DEAL.

“I read your complaining comment about how your not on abilgails top 8. well, how could you be? I’M THERE. TAKING YOUR SPOT HAHAHAHA (evil laugh, you know the drill). Well, anyway, listen my queer fellow, I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes yes, i do believe i am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up. farewell knave.”
Why hasn't Taylor used any white van imagery in her music, though?

In this one, Taylor compliments her friend Kelsey, which is something we all used to do and hope people would compliment us back.

Here's a random limerick she penned just for funzies.

"I have blonde hair and my name rhymes sailor." Nice, Tay.
But all of her random thoughts that make no sense at all are probably the best part. Like, who deep-throats lollipops?!

One word, guys: Chorttle.

Never change, Tay.