14 Things That Will Strike Fear and Joy Into the Hearts of Irish Dancers
"They can sing, they can dance, after all this is - Ireland?"
Irish dancing is cool, but it's not all fancy dresses and perfect posture. Here's how you know you're an Irish dancer

1. You've been dancing for-freaking-ever, like since you were two or three, and have never known life without Irish dance

2. You find yourself practicing your skips and steps everywhere you go

Standing somewhere? Must practice STEPS

Waiting in line? Keep practicing STEPS

3. The practices sucked up all, if not most, of your social life

4. But who needs a social life when you've met most of your best friends at dance class?

5. The ghillies, which I assume is Gaelic for 'demon feet squashers' , are the dance shoes that make your life a living hell

You may look like a fabulous angel at the feis (or competition) but gigantic blisters await

6. Speaking of looking fabulous, the makeup routines are damn near excruciating. You can just tell this poor girl is internally screaming "Can we be done already?" and holding herself back with blessed strength

7. The hair isn't SUPER difficult

Unless your ma tortures you for hours on end by actually curling your hair

8. But the cosmetic effort is worth it because you so pretty, you look like fancy Celtic princess!

9. The solo dresses are uncomfortable, expensive and often ridiculous, but shopping for them can be fun

10. Until the competition, unless you're asleep or at school, you are practicing your beats and leaps

11. All this practice has given you impeccable posture, though

12. Then it's show time and you finally get to show off all your cool tricks and high kicks

13. You're bouncing around like there's no tomorrow, and hopefully you win

14. And then comes the day when your school friends find out about your secret dance life and are all "Show us your sweet moves, please,"

You oblige and you show them some "basic" moves by dancing through your full arsenal of cool tricks

Most of your friends are delightfully shocked and never knew you were a gifted little dancer

Some of your friends are bitter because they can't dance as good as you (or at all, really)

But all of them want an encore and for you to teach them your dance moves

You kindly try to help, but alas they are not blessed with the step

So they give up and parade you around school as if you are the MOST Irish person who's ever walked God's green earth

15. It's a disciplined yet uplifting way of life that makes you proud, frustrated and excited all at once