Flowers Are Blooming In Death Valley And Everyone's Freaking Out
This is natural beauty at its finest.
Death Valley is one of the most inhospitable places on earth.

Death Valley, located in Eastern California, "is the lowest, driest, and hottest area in North America." There will typically be some type of vegetation or flower blooming somewhere in the region, but for the most part, it's a barren desert.
Recently, though, Death Valley has experienced what Death Valley Park Ranger Alan Van Valkenburg refers to as a "big bloom."
The full video above explains that blooms occur semi-frequently in Death Valley, perhaps once every few years. During a bloom, wild flowers pop up all over the desert. Areas that are typically rock, sand and dirt become beautiful floral landscapes.
The hope is that the bloom in Death Valley will turn into a "super bloom."

Both of these terms are unofficial, but the distinction is important. Blooms aren't terribly uncommon - Van Valkenburg has seen several in his lifetime. "Super blooms," however, are incredibly rare - they occur only about once a decade. The result is a landscape of stunning transformative beauty, one that Van Valkenburg recommends everyone should see.
It's thought that the most recent bloom in Death Valley is a result of the precipitation brought on by El Nino.

The unusual, heavy rains caused by El Nino are providing rarely seen water to the desert. This water has helped the seeds already scattered across the desert to begin blooming.
It's unknown yet whether or not the bloom will turn into a "super bloom," but it's an unquestionably beautiful sight as is.

It's not only beautiful for it's pure aesthetics, but also for the metaphor it presents - even the most barren valley of death can become a bastion of life.
If you get a chance to see Death Valley in bloom, you should go immediately.

It's thought that 2016's El Nino might help end the drought in California. This means meteorologists are likely expecting more rain to hit Death Valley, which could lead to a "super bloom" in the desert. It's a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence you don't want to miss.
Nature is beautiful.