White Men Pay More When Splitting BIlls With This App And It's Making Waves
"We call it affirmative fractions"
Comedy Hack Day is a hilarious event bringing together comedians, developers and quite a bit of booze to create some pretty hilarious tech. And this year's San Francisco winner definitely deserves the title.

Equitable (previously Equipay) is an app that helps split your group bills based on race and gender influences on the pay gap. It's effective and hilarious.

First, you make a profile complete with race and a sliding gender scale.

Graham here is holding it down for the white males.
When you select friends to split the bill with, the app provides a comparison feature to let you know just how diverse (or not) your friend group is.

The app then takes into account each person's profile and splits up the bill.

But if some users are feeling jipped, don't worry, you can protest your privilege level with some pre-programmed excuses ranging from "I was a middle child" to "I'm conventionally unattractive"

Though the app will sass back with some well-founded facts

And when you do settle the bill, EquiTable offers a "share" feature so you can make sure all your friends know how socially responsible you are.

While EquiTable doesn't really exist (yet) the iOS app is coming soon along with a promotional commercial that more than anything else aims to spark discussion about this pursuant problem within the modern workforce.