A Guy Photoshopped Trump's Mouth Over His Eyes, We Can't Tell A Difference
Oh my god, I really can't tell which is which and that is terrifying.
There's a lot you can say about Donald Trumps appearance - things that, by now, have pretty much been said to death.

Sure, he's got a combover so bad he looks like a balding 80 year old woman who got caught in a nor'easter. And sure, his skin is more leathery and worn than Indiana Jones' jacket (after "Crystal Skull), but have you ever heard anyone rag on Trump for his mouth being indistinguishable from his eyes?
If you're totally lost as to WTF I'm talking about, don't worry.
I know that being unable to distinguish someone's eyes from their mouth seems ridiculous. I mean, they're two completely different parts of the face. Why would anyone ever have trouble distinguishing those? Just you wait.
Take a look at this.
One Twitter user noted the amazing similarities between Trump's mouth and eyes, and decided to photoshop Trump's mouth where his eyes should be. The best part? Nobody can tell the difference between the before and after photos.
Now for a close up. Are these Donald's real eyes, or are they his mouth-eyes?

If you guessed his real eyes, congratulations - you're very discerning. I had to double check, and I'm the one writing the damn article.
Here's Trump with mouth-eyes.

Terrifying, isn't it? Do you think Trump's eyes are secretly trying to eat us?
This isn't the first time Internet-folk have demolished Trump using photoshop.
For the last six months or so, people have been destroying the "politician" by photoshopping his face into horror movies, onto Paula Deen's body and just about anywhere else hilarious. Below, you'll find some of the best Trump photoshops from all around the web.
1. He's coming for you

2. This just seems...

3. Here'sssssss Donnie!!!!

4. Donald/Donna

Yes, people photoshopped the buffoon as a drag queen and it's horrifying.
5. He is a big baby

Maybe he can eat with his mouth-eyes instead?
6. Finally: perhaps the most spot on image out there