Here Are 11 Small Gestures You Can Do To Make Someone Feel Loved
On a recent AskReddit thread, user CindyCharming laid this question on the website's users: "What small gesture makes you feel enormously loved?" The question's received well over 6,000 replies on the website, most of which are very touching and heartwarming. When you read these, you'll want to do something beautiful for a loved one.
1. It takes a very loving person to effectively adopt someone like this, and the small gesture of putting a stick figure on a window obviously spoke volumes to this person

2. Yep, there's nothing quite like the care you feel from a check-in text or a mom hug
If the two could be combined it would be a love overload.

3. This is so cute. Nothing like a nice top-o'-the-head kiss
Although I'll probably never get to experience this, because I'm 6'4". Any of you know any women 6'5" or taller?

4. Just being on someone else's side can be enough sometimes
This is just so heartbreaking, but precious at the same time.

5. The "L" word can sure go a long way

6. Physical touch says a lot, especially when someone is willing to work to help you relax

7. This is a pretty direct (and kind) way to say "I care about your survival"

8. Add a cat to the mix, and you've got all the love you'll ever need

9. Selflessness is the key to truly loving someone with your whole heart
Love languages are real.

10. It really does make you feel special
"OMG you remembered I hate mayonnaise? I love you! Erm, I mean, thanks."

11. If you care about someone, make sure they know, like this person's stepdad did