10 Things Guys Do That Essentially Make Them Equivalents To 'Cat Ladies'
In a recent AskReddit thread, user SoundandFurySNothing asked the following question: "What are some male equivalents to the "cat lady" and "horse girl" stereotypes?" Here are some of the most spot-on (and funniest) answers from the reddit community.
1. This should be familiar to anyone who's ever watched Food Network
Now just picture Guy Fieri wielding a samurai sword.
Totally a male cat lady.
2. Take your pick of any of these
My personal favorite is ponytail karate guy though
The most human contact they get is the fist of another man, and not in a romantic way.
3. Cars are a man's cats
If they're healthy, they do purr.
He loves his little snuggly rubber babies
4. Perhaps a more literal female-to-male translation of the cat lady
At least he's got a little lizardy friend to love him
5. This actually makes me want to cringe
And yes, there's one for each campus
6. Whatever this abomination is, I never want to see it
It certainly seems a little more extreme than a cat lady, but it might lead to a similar amount of lonliness
Poor, poor Slowpoke
7. This is one of the more accurate interpretation of the male cat lady, IMO
Your players are like your cats. You just want to love them and have them love you back.
"Yes Aaron Rodgers, I love you. Here's a treat."
8. Or you could literally just be a cat mister
Yep, this is really his cat
And it's so adorable!
9. This might be a little extreme
It's also frightening that people like this actually exist
If you're a totally misogynistic doucher, you can get one of these to call your own.
10. This is so damn accurate in its psychological profiling of the cat lady that it just makes me really, really sad
Poor guy
At least your trains love you?? 🚂