McDonald's Released a New McFlurry Flavor and Why We're SO PUMPED About It!
Cadbury Creme Eggs and McDonald's have partnered up to increase global diabetes rates. And global happiness rates.
This is a Cadbury Cream Egg

It's the best candy in the whole wide world. It is the treasure you dig through an Easter basket to find. It is happiness itself.
It's a popular Easter Candy

Because it's an egg, get it? And because the cream filling is actually made of unicorn tears and stardust.
McDonald's unveiled this gem recently

It's a Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry. Someone understands me.
The joy of the McFlurry was overwhelming

THIS IS THE BEST. Cadbury McFlurries for everyone.

It felt like something I had been waiting a long time for, something I truly deserved.

But then, I found out the Cadbury Creme McFlurry was only available in Australia.

AUSTRALIA? Why not here? Where is your loyalty McDonald's?

I wanted it and you took it away.

I felt rather defeated and dismissed.

Cadbury - why don't you love me back?
After the rage came the calming joy of finding a recipe for Deviled Cadbury Creme Eggs.

These seem so sweet and lovely and the recipe sounds so simple to follow.
There are also these decadent Cadbury egg cupcakes.

A Cadbury Miracle. There might be hope after all.

The magnificent thing we assumed only McDonald's could give us, but can we make it in the comforts of our own kitchens? Yes, we can. YES WE CAN!
Now, go make your McFlurries

Or wait until the McFlurries come out in America because you have "patience" and "self-control".