8 Of Your Favorite Childhood TV Shows Were About Death and Loneliness
Either everything is TERRIBLE, or it's all in your head.
Remember happily trotting home after school, eager to sit down with a can of Cheez Balls and your favorite Nickelodeon show? Consider that idyllic childhood memory ruined, thanks to Screen Rant's disturbing breakdown of the darkest fan theories out there. It was nice while it lasted.
1. Internet fan theorists are convinced that in "Fresh Prince of Bel Air," Will died during the fight in West Philadelphia and took a cab to heaven, AKA Uncle Phil's mansion

So instead of pearly gates, you get to dance around with Carlton! Suh-weeeet!
2. The Flintstones and the Jetsons were actually in the same time period. The wealthy Jetsons lived high up in the sky while the poor, ostracized Flintstones lives on the ground like cavemen. Seems very "Hunger Games"

3. What ISN'T dark about South Park? Fan theories suggest South Park is all in Tweek's head, and the dark characters are why Tweek is freaking out all the time, but is calm when he's alone.

4. The Cul-de-sac from "Ed, Edd, and Eddy" is actually purgatory and the children are all from different time periods. For example, Eddy is from the Great Depression, which is why he's always trying to get rich quick and spends his money on har

5. Babar is raised and educated in France, then he is made king of Elephant Land and "civilizes" it by conforming everything to French Culture. Freaking AGE OF IMPERIALISM bullshit.

6. First episode: Pikachu uses a nuclear thunderbolt. When Ash and Pikachu wake up, they see Ho-oh the Pokemon meant to give eternal happiness to anyone who looks upon it. Ash is in heaven but his heaven is being a Pokemon trainer BECAUSE DEDICATION.<

7. The Rugrats are figments of Angelica's imagination because her parents don't pay attention to her and she has no friends. The theories vary, but some suggest she KILLED all the kids and their ghosts are haunting her.

8. "Hey Arnold" is about Helga, not Arnold. Helga's parents are more focused on her older sister, and her mother is an alcoholic. To distract herself from her poor home life, she becomes obsessed with Arnold and so does the audience.