These 6 Yoga Poses Will Help You Feel Less Anxious
When anxiety takes hold, you can take a step back and try these yoga poses to center yourself.
1. Cat Cow

Get on all fours with a relaxed, neutral spine. Tuck your tailbone under and drop your head, then alternate the posture with an arched back to release any tension.
2. Extended Puppy

Similar to child's pose, extended puppy pose will let you is almost entirely the same, just on your knees instead of curled up into a ball.
3. Forward Fold

Stand up straight and then bend forward at the hips as far as you can go. You might rest your hands on your shins, the ground or a block. Inhale deeply. For a more releaxed version, grasp opposite elbows.
4. Legs-Up-The-Wall

This pose is an easy way to get your blood flowing in the opposite direction than usual and it's pretty simple. Just find a wall, just a close to it as possible and put your legs up the wall.
5. Child's Pose

Sometimes when you're feeling anxious all you want to do is curl up in a ball and hope the ground swallows you. This pose will allow you to do just that. Knees should be apart and toe should be together. Extend your arms outward and bring your forehead to the mat. Just takes some deep breaths and remember that everything is temporary.
6. Pigeon

Start in downward facing dog, lift up one leg and bring it to the front, parallel to the front of your mat. Sit up straight with your back leg extended.