You Might Be Outraged To See Where This Girl Scout Has Been Selling Cookies
She might be the most brilliant business person of all time.
A Girl Scout from Portland had a brilliant idea recently: to sell cookies outside a local marijuana dispensary.

There are currently three states that have enacted full legalization of marijuana, with many more allowing the medical use of the plant. Oregon is one of those states, and Foster Buds is one of many dispensaries in the city of Portland.

Oh, yes way. This girl ponied up and sold munchies to the people who needed them most.
The young girl was supervised by her aunt as she sold the cookies.

According to the aunt, "The Girl Scouts organization said they don't condone this, but it's not against the rules." The girl sold her cookies in an effort to raise money for a trip to horse camp in the upcoming summer, and that's outrageously adorable.
People seem to be very uncomfortable with a little girl selling cookies in front of a pot shop, regardless of supervision.

Marijuana legalization is still in its infancy, and the drug hasn't fully overcome the stigma that's been associated with it over the last century. This has caused people to feel uncomfortable with the presence of legitimate recreational pot shops. When the innocence of a Girl Scout is even associated with the controversial presence of a dispensary and recreational pot smokers, some people are bound to protest - even though marijuana use is not associated with violence or aggression.
Some people have hailed the Girl Scout as a smart, hardworking business person.

Objectively, this little girl is excellent at marketing, and she's quite business savvy. She's not breaking the law, she knows her customer base and she knows how to present her product.
A Girl Scouts spokesperson had commented on the matter, saying the organization would "recommend that if a minor cannot enter a premises unaccompanied, she should not sell Girl Scout Cookies in front of the premises."

While this is a perfectly political response to the issue, shouldn't the little girl, as a functioning member of our capitalistic nation, be able to sell cookies wherever she pleases, so long as it's legal? There is no law preventing minors from being in front of the premises. Shouldn't we be encouraging the youth of our nation to take advantage of their economic talents? What do you think?