You've Definitely Encountered These 14 Types Of Uber & Lyft Drivers
There's no escaping any of them.
Nine times out of ten you're either thrown in this situation...

...or your driver just dishes his/her life story and you have no choice but to listen to the shit they're telling you.

Whatever your experience may be, here are the 14 drivers you've likely come across.
1. The Small Talker

The moment you step in the car, your driver asks those questions you were asked at freshman orientation that nobody liked: "where are you from? What do you like to do for fun?" Of course, they're just trying to be friendly and make you feel comfortable, but you always seem to get the small talker when you're going on a date or meeting a group of friends you haven't seen in awhile and want nothing more than to just be in your own head.
2. The Weather Guy

Sort of like the small talker, except this driver will talk about the weather the whole GD car ride. It wasn't until you started taking Ubers that you realized there was that much to say about the possibility of it snowing later.
3. The Silent One

You get in their car, politely say "hello" and the rest of the ride is silent. Hopefully they at least have the radio on, otherwise you're just alone with your thoughts in silence. At least it's better than small talk?
4. The Shady Character

These drivers come off really ~chill~ at first, asking you about your night, etc. etc. Then they suddenly start talking about how they're going to meet up with some "buddies" later to play poker, and you just get the sense that some illegal activities are going down from the way he talks about it. Whatever you do, don't look in his trunk.
5. The Therapist/Wise One

You might start out with small talk, but things seem to get deep, very fast. Suddenly, you're telling them about your ex who just started texting you again and they ask you genuinely thought-provoking questions. You get the sense they've been around the block and you trust their opinion. After you get out of the car, you feel like you just had a therapy session and are a little perplexed by how ~deep~ you just got with this stranger you'll never see again.
6. The Entrepreneur

This guy is obviously just an Uber driver so he can tell his elevator pitch to anyone who is forced to listen. Whether he's got a new startup idea, a business he needs funding for, or is pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a hip-hop artist, he will spend the whole ride talking about his creativity, innovation and why his business proposition will work. You'll always leave the car with their business card or Soundcloud info in hand.
7. The Driver Who Claims He Doesn't Need GPS Because He Knows The City ~So Well~

This guy might have been a former cabbie, and he will never ever rely on a GPS to get anywhere. Sometimes he makes a wrong turn and swears it's a faster route even though you know it's not. You quietly map where you're going on your phone just to make sure he's actually taking you where you want to go and not to some creepy location where he'll murder you.
8. The DJ

This is the guy who picks you up and is blasting Drake, just one of the many artists on his extensive Spotify playlist. He'll ask you what kind of music you like, and he won't put that song on, but give you "suggestions" instead. You'll spend the whole car ride just chatting about music and by the time you leave their car, you really, really wish you could hang out with them again.
9. The Hot One

The one where you get in there and are overwhelmed with feelings because your driver is a BABEEEE. If you're gutsy, you might try flirting a bit and poking around to see if he has a significant other or not.
10. The Driver Who Tries To Hit On You

Pretty much the opposite of the hot one is the skeezy driver who weirdly tries to prey on you. He'll hint that he's single and will try to find out if you are too. Just pretend you're in a committed relationship if you aren't already, and get out of the car as quickly as possible.
11. The Scatterbrained Driver With A Sob Story

Even if he's driving the wrong way or going obnoxiously slow, you can't help but feel bad for this driver. He tells you about how he can't afford his rent, his girlfriend just dumped him for another guy, and, oh yeah, his aunt is dying of cancer. Even if he's a bad driver or what he's saying is TMI, you feel it's your duty to tip him at least $1.
12. The Family Man

This is the guy who tells you everything about his family - his son's "Star Wars"-themed birthday party, how his daughter just won a softball trophy, etc. etc. You think he seems like a really great dad, and it's admirable how much he loves his kids - but when he's chatting the whole car ride you can only say "aww" so many times.
13. The Mom

The mom has water bottles ready for the Saturday night drunk crowd, gum for people going on a first date, and she's ready to give you a pep talk about anything. The Mom is sometimes the only driver in the world you need because she's there for you.
14. The Partier

The partier shows up with some horrible EDM music playing and asks you about your plans for the night. After about two seconds of that, he'll divulge all of his party plans, which totally seem to one up yours.