This Study Proves That You Should Be Eating More Chocolate
You don't need to put that candy bar down just yet.
If you enjoyed way too much chocolate this Valentine's Day, you can officially stop feeling bad about it. A study has found that chocolate can actually make you smarter.
A study published in appetite has found that certain compounds found in chocolate can make you smarter.
Participants in the study ranged in age from 23 to 98.
Scientists observed the 968 participants heart health, brain function and other vitals.
The study also found that chocolate aids with insulin sensitivity, blood pressure and other functions.
Flavonols, a subgroup of flavonoids are a natural compound found in lots of plant-based foods, and cocoa is one of them.
Benefits of these compounds include information processing, memory function increased alertness and slowed mental deterioration. Improvements were seen within hours of consuming chocolate.
The darker the chocolate, the more flavonols, you'll consume. So maybe you should consider giving up your morning cup of coffee in favor of a rich, dark chocolate bar.