You Probably Won't Believe How Freakin' Advanced The New Atlas Robot Is
How do you know when robotics has gone too far?
The Next Generation version of the Atlas robot is here from Boston Dynamics.
It's equal parts incredible and incredibly threatening.
The Next Generation Atlas is designed to work both indoors and outdoors.

A robot walking through the snow - uneven, cold and wet terrain - is actually an incredible feat. Of course, this means once they learn how to swim we won't be safe anywhere.
The Atlas is "specialized for mobile manipulation."

Basically, this means the robot is an expert at moving and lifting things. So if you work at a warehouse or at a comparable job, Atlas will probably be putting you out work soon.
The Atlas has been put through extensive testing of its sensors and balance.

First rule of avoiding a robot takeover: don't antagonize the bots. What are you doing, bro?
The Atlas is able to recalibrate its sensors to compensate for moving objects.

I literally can't think of a more apt usage of the phrase "you can run, but you can't hide." The robot will find you eventually.
The Atlas is electrically powered and it uses hydraulics to move its limbs and joints.

Now he's just taunting the bot. This is like the beginning of every robot apocalypse scientific-fiction story ever written. Just give the bots equality to begin with and we won't have to worry about miserable deaths at the hands of our machine overlords down the line.
The Atlas balances with sensors installed in its body and legs. It also has stereo sensors installed in its "head" to avoid collisions.

What are you doing! Don't bully the robots! They never forget!
At five feet, nine inches tall, the Next Generation Atlas is nearly a foot shorter than its predecessor.

But that doesn't mean it's any less capable of killing you.
Atlas not only has exceptional motor skills for a robot, it can also recover from falls and navigate almost any terrain.

That's it, the Terminator is now a reality. Either run for your lives, or begin to idolize the machines.