Hysterical Video Captures This Girl Who Legit Believes She's Kylie Jenner
She is v. stressed about it.
It's tough to wake up from wisdom teeth surgery when your face is swollen and your loopy from pain meds - but it's tougher to wake up and think that you are Kylie Jenner, like this girl did.
To be fair, the 18-year-old reality star is famous for her big pout, so we can't blame a girl for thinking she's Kylie when her lips are five times their normal size.
But this girl will be the first to tell you that fame isn't at all what it's cracked up to be.
First, she can't handle the fact that her dad is Caitlyn Jenner and she just about loses it.

Her mom - who she thinks is Kris Jenner - tells her to stop talking so her mouth doesn't bleed, which makes her horrified.

She then asks Kris (or, her mom) to take her back to her mansion because she's tired and there's just too much chaos.

We wonder what King Kylie would have to say about this one.

New "KUWTK" guest star?