Basically Everyone Is Ready For Leonardo DiCaprio To Win His First Oscar
It's your year, Leo!
Here he is, folks: Leonardo DiCaprio. Are you ready for him to win an Oscar? Though the actor has been nominated for five Academy Awards, he's never actually won...
...and it's a running joke on the Internet.
This year, however, the Internet seems to agree on one thing: that Leo deserves a damn Oscar for his role in "The Revenant."
Here are all the ways people are gearing up for - what's hopefully - Leo's big win.
1. Someone created this awesome arcade-style game called "Leo's Red Carpet Rampage," where the object is to outrace other contenders on the red carpet to the prize. It's genius.

Spoiler alert: this is highly addictive. Play at your own risk here.
2. People are spreading hopeful messages on Twitter
3. After all, it's his year! We can all feel it.
4. Leo will be saying hello from the other side once he gets one of these bad boys
5. If only Steve Harvey were hosting the Oscars, so he'd pull a Miss Universe and accidentally announce Leo as the winner
6. People don't want him to give up hope. He is an inspiration to us all!
7. Even "The Revenant" bear is ready to hand over Leo's award
8. It's basically written in the stars that Leo gets an Oscar this year
9. Leo's doppelgänger Roman Burtsev posted a series of Oscar-themed pictures where he dresses up as Hugh Glass in "The Revenant..."
The resemblance is actually uncanny.
...and poses with an Oscar in his hand, of course.
He also dressed up as Leo on awards day with - whatta ya know! - an Oscar in his hand. #LetThisBeTheFuture
We believe in you, Leo!