This Video Of Robots Building A Car Is Freaky For An Unexpected Reason
Robots are here and they're taking over the future.
This is the Tesla Model X.

The Model X was first revealed in February 2012, with initial deliveries beginning in September 2015. The car is one of the newer and most technologically advanced models from Tesla motors. It's considered to be one of the safest and most efficient electric cars.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to mass-produce such a technologically advanced automobile?
It takes a factory full of highly efficient and equally technologically advanced robots. This brief video shows a fast-paced version of a Model X being manufactured.
Do you find the pace and the music of the video to be unsettling?

Good, because you should. The ridiculous precision and efficiency of these bots basically means we're only a few steps away from robots becoming our overlords.
Just look at how efficient these things are.

And yes, that's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from Grieg's "Peer Gynt" playing in the background, in case you had any doubts robots were only like one step away from inducing terror and wreaking havoc upon the human race.
Yeah, the video's in fast motion, but don't think for a second the robots wouldn't be able to move this quickly if they really wanted to.

And that means they wouldn't hesitate to put you on an assembly line and install a microchip in your brain, turning you into a robot-human hybrid who's also a slave to the robots.
Okay, so it's a pretty impressive feat of human engineering. But haven't you ever read an Isaac Asimov story?

Next thing you know, we'll all be concubines for our robot pimp-masters.
The future is here. Stop the robots before it's too late!