24 Hilarious Job Advertisements You'll Actually Want To Apply For
There's nothing like an employer with a sense of humor.
1. Not provided: mullet haircut fees or harem pants budget

2. Well, at least they're honest

3. They're reaching right out to their target hiring pool

4. Every hero has to start somewhere

5. Well isn't this just the best excuse for a gluttonous diet out there?

6. This extremely honest advertisement

7. Wendy's is moving on quickly to fill Dave's shoes

8. Let's get that question out of the way from the get go

9. Let me get this straight, it's a job finding jobs?

10. Perks include unlimited pizza and colored bandanas

11. Complete disregard to gender equality and the banishment of stereotypes, required

12. Successful candidates will never let this tipping disaster happen again

13. Desperate for applicants, much?

14. This hiring manager has a very specific fear

15. English skills not required

16. I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready

17. Because meats don't manage themselves, you know

18. Maybe just leave this one off the resumé

19. Starting the tests early at this company

20. You really don't want to know the responsibilities of this position

21. Very specific requirement, Mikey

22. Applying just to compliment them on the pun

23. This hiring problem is why Blockbuster went out of business

24. This listing sure makes you miss your $9.75 job, doesn't it?