This Baby Dolphin Died Because People Were Passing It Around For Selfies
And to think spring break hasn't even started.
Our hearts are breaking for this endangered baby dolphin who was killed after beachgoers in Buenos Aires pulled it from the sea to take selfies with it.

Even after the dolphin died, it was still passed around for photos, only to later be left abandoned in the sand.

Hernan Coria posted the pictures to Facebook, but later removed them.
The Argentine Wildlife Foundation caught wind of the tragedy and reminded people that the Franciscana dolphin is extremely vulnerable, as it is one of the smallest and rarest dolphins in the world.
The Wildlife Foundation said in a statement:
"The Franciscana, like other species, cannot remain for much time outside of the water, it has thick fatty skin which gives it heat and means that taking it out of the water rapidly causes it to dehydrate and die. This occasion serves to inform the public about the urgent necessity to return these dolphins to the sea as soon as possible if they find them on the shore. It is fundamental that people help to rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts now."
RIP, baby dolphin.