Finally, Kim Kardashian Revealed Why Her Cleavage Is Always On Point
'Cause we all deserve Kimmy K cleavage.
I'm going to blow your mind right now - Kim Kardashian didn't just wake up like this.
The ~kleavage kween~ shared with her loyal followers how she gets her boobs to look so damn awesome also the damn time. *Drumroll*
TAPE! Lots of it.
So, everyone get some gaffer's tape ASAP. Your team will take care of the rest.

She wrote on her app:
“I definitely had to share my tape secret with you guys!! It’s my secret trick to have perfect cleavage in photos. You tape them up so they are super lifted. It takes a little work but trust me it’s all worth it LOL. I’ve used everything from duct tape to packing tape to masking tape and I think that the best I found is gaffer’s tape. It sticks the best! Make sure you don’t have any lotion or oils on when you’re lifting your boobs up with the tape. Just brace yourself for when it’s time to take it off LOL.”
Thanks Keeks!