12 Gross, Weird And Hilarious NSFW Pieces Of Advice
Reddit user lilidarkwind recently posed the question "What is your best NSFW life protip?" to this /r/AskReddit thread. Many of the answers were pretty gross, and a lot of them were hilarious. Here are the best ones, for your reading pleasure. Obviously, this is going to be NSFW AF.
1. As you could probably guess, most of these are about sex

2. But not all of them. Agreed though - it's not safe to talk about taking hostages at work

3. Some people took the thread a little too literally I'd say

Because this is the definition of not being safe at work.
4. This would hurt so, so much. Good tip

5. In short: avoid dribbling after using a urinal by applying pressure to your prostate

6. Keep it clean

7. True - it helps prevent potential UTIs

8. This isn't true for all women, but thanks for the tip, professor!

9. I'd actually never thought of doing that. Until now...

10. Preach

11. This is sage. No matter what, keep that shit away from your boys

12. Now you've got an experiment to try at home. Shout out to the user who got scientific with it

Gross stuff, but so educational