A Canadian Man Makes Amazing Drawings Using Only A Bike And A GPS
Stephen Lund is a Canadian man who creates something unique by combining athletics and artistry.
Stephen Lund is an artist and cyclist living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Lund has an unusual way of creating what he refers to as "doodles."
Using only a GPS, a bicycle and his natural athleticism, Lund traces out routes through the streets of Victoria to make amazing unique drawings.

Lund uses a program called Strava - a sort of social networking site for runners and cyclists - that traces his route on a map.
Lund's GPS doodles show an awesome combination of fitness and creativity.

Occasionally, the doodles contain some writing, such as the above message or other examples of him wishing "happy birthday" to a loved one.
Lund has captured an amazing variety of images through his GPS doodles.

It must take a remarkable amount of planning to come up with some of these.
This "mushroom" shows a pretty remarkable attention to detail - particularly to which streets he decided to hit to make the best mushroom possible.

This one really blows me away.

Who would've thought it would be possible to make a profile out of the city streets? This suggests a lot about what can be found in human ingenuity.
Lund has been making these doodles since New Year's Day, 2015.

His first message was "Happy 2015!" with an exclamation point he claims was "failed." What a way to begin.
Lund also works in "series."

This image is a part of his "Musclebound Thug" series, which features the same character doing various activities, like riding a bull, catching a gator (above) and reaching into a bag of presents.
It's amazing how many different arts come with each new technology.

What do you think? Are you going to go out and try this now?