9 Absurd Sex Laws That'll Make You Question Everything About The U.S.
Guys, don't go to Michigan to try and pick up women.
1. In Arizona, adultery is illegal

Yes, you can actually go to jail if you cheat on your spouse in Arizona. The law states: "A married person who has sexual intercourse with another than his or her spouse, an an unmarried person who has sexual intercourse with a married person not his or her spouse, commits adultery and is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor. When the act is committed between parties only one of whom is married, both shall be punished."
2. In Alabama, distribution of sex toys is a misdemeanor that can land you in jail for a year with a $10,000 fine

Possession of sex toys in Alabama is legal, but distribution of them is illegal. The law still allows for the sale of sex toys for medical, scientific, judicial, educational or legislative purpose, though! Weird, right?
3. Marrying your first cousin is legal in more states than you might think

Here's everywhere in the U.S. where marrying your first cousin is perfectly legal: Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia.
4. In Michigan, approaching a woman who is giving you eyes is illegal

Michigan penal code states: "Any man who shall seduce and debauch at any unmarried woman shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 5 years or by fine of not more than $2,500; but no prosecution shall be commenced under this section after 1 year from the time of committing the offense." Good luck trying to meet women.
5. In Mississippi, you can't even talk about polygamy

Polygamy may be illegal, but in Mississippi, you can't even explain it to anyone unless you want a fine $25-$500 and jail time for up to six months.
6. In Nebraska, if you have an STD, you're not allowed to get married within the state

According to Nebraska law: "No person who is afflicted with a venereal disease shall marry in this state." So, if you make one mistake and unfortunately contract an STD and then fall in love, you'll need to move elsewhere if you're going to get married.
7. In Oregon, nude sculptures are illegal unless private parts are covered up

In 2009, the city of Keizer put up cement posts that were supposed to protect pedestrians from traffic... but there were complaints that they looked a little too phallic. Awkward. The law intends to protect minors from pornographic material, but it also unfortunately applies to art.
8. In Tennessee, teachers are forbidden from mentioning things like touching genitals in sex-ed class because they are "gateways to sexual activity"

Ironically, Tennessee is ranked number 17 for the highest teen pregnancy rate in the United States.
Check out the videos below that go into detail of all the crazy sex laws.
Which one are you most blown away by?