Think Foxes Are To Be Feared? This Photographer's Work May Change Your Mind
Foxes' teeth may be sharp, but their hearts are soft. And if you don't believe it, just look at the way photographer Roeselien Raimond captures them.
Dutch nature photographer Roeselien Raimond knows a lot about animals, but her specialty is foxes.

For years, she's been studying and photographing them.

And after learning practically all there is to know about them, she's come to one resounding conclusion...

They're some of the most loving animals in the world.

“I know of no animal that shows as much love and affections as foxes do," she tells Bored Panda.

"That could be because I know no animal, like I know foxes, but that’s not the point here. The point is…love. Foxy love, to be more precise."
Thus, the name of her ongoing series had been decided - "Foxy Love."

Raimond's primary goal for the series is for it to help break the stigmatic stereotypes surrounding foxes by showing their true nature...

Their sweet and loving nature.

“Foxes are known to be smart, false, deceitful and mean creatures - a successful character assassination even I believed it as a child, when reading the famous fox fables."
"That was, until I started following foxes and learned to know them very well..."

"And found out that love must be their middle name."

To check out more of Raimond's uplifting work, check out her website.